Yesterday She woke up talking away, she was bossing her little brother around and making him play pretend food with her! They sat out on the back porch drinking their "coffee" for quiet a while! I am sure they did a lot of funny things I can not remember when they play together they are non-stop.
Ansley is sick and I had to take her to the doctor yesterday, as we sat in the waiting room she talked about everyone in there as if they couldn't hear her.. Thankfully it was not anything ugly.
Mostly she was saying "What's her name? Where is her Mommy? Is she Sick? I have pants like hers.. How much longer? Look that baby has a paci. That kid has on their pajamas.. Why does that boy have on his pajamas? He is laying down.. Why??"
She got her weight checked (29 lbs)and then off to the room we went.. There is a sink in every room, and I should like that, but I really hate it. Every time we go she feels the need to wash her hands a hundred times.. So she automatically washes her hands, I told her that she was only allowed to wash them once.. She is smart.. She wanted to wash them again and I told her no she couldn't because they were already clean... SO.... She held up her hands and said no they are dirty, she bent over and stuck them right to the floor.... YUCK... So of course she got to wash them again.... Her Nurse died laughing and walked out of the room.. She then yelled at the nurse every time she walked by the door and asked her something, like where is your car? Can I have a cracker? Where is Dr. John? or just simply "Hello Mrs. Renee'" Then she wanted to talk to both nurses about her "boyfriend" (no they are not really boy friend and girl friend, someone just asked her that one day and it has stuck, they are just real good friends at school, he is a boy and a friend!) She told them that his name is Jakey-Poo.. And they thought that was adorable.. I really think she likes Jake so much b/c he listens to her talk and doesn't talk back to her much... she probably tries to mother him at school, and he is so laid back that he doesn't care! Hopefully they will always be good friends.
I could go on and on about Ansley today but I am stopping right there for now..
-Mary Beth