Last Night we had hot dogs... unfortunately nothing was "on sale", yes the buns were cheaper and the hot dogs were buy one get one free.. However I did not have coupons for anything.. So to me it was not a good sale... Anyway to the point: I wanted to make home made cole slaw, my Mom makes the best cole slaw so I called her up and asked her for the ingredients.. I sort of guessed from there.. Here it is
Cynthia's Cole Slaw:
-1/2 a head of cabbage
-about 2 cups of baby carrots
-2 big spoon fulls of mayo (you can add more if you want, Mom adds a lot!)
-1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
-1/4 cup of sugar
put the cabbage in a chopper chop it up as fine as you want it.
then chop up the carrots to about the same consistency
put it into a bowl
add the mayo
then mix the vinegar and sugar in a separate bowl
pour the vinegar-sugar into the first bowl (the one with the cabbage, carrots, and mayo)
And there you have it easy peasy!
*Notice the little hand dipping in!!

It is Ansley's! They love it!